Chinese Student Association Pictures

A bunch of CSAers after a general meeting during my sophomore year as the Editor. As you can see, the MCC was still in the Grahram basement where you can hear people flushing the toliets above.
From Left to Right: Liz, Jessifer, Davina, Rachel, Liv, and Patrick were playing for big money at the CSA Mah Jong Tournament. Patrick eventually won first place and the $100 prize.
A bunch of the tired CSA people who justed finished played broomball with APSU. I remember I had fun running around and checking derrick (person with two thumbs up) to the boards.
These sharply dressed CSA officers was at the first ever MccBerry Awards Dinner. We were all smiling because we just finished our free dinner.
A CSA Christmas party at Richard and Matt's apartment. Don't we all look so happy and excited.
A CSA event at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Leo and I were just itching to start up the BBQ grill.
Derrick, Danny, and Erin at World Karaoke. I guess they didn't have the microphones because they didn't want to break the glass in the room.

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