Sora and I were making scrambled eggs for the Lions Club's Pancake Breakfast. As you can see, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. | |
Here is a bunch of sharply dressed FBLA people posing for the camera before the awards session during the 1997 National FBLA Conference in Anaheim, CA. | |
A bunch of the Live Oak FBLAers along with a few other people join in for a picture with the awards we had just won at Nationals in 1997. | |
The Live Oak and Gilory High School FBLA Chapters posing for a shot outside a breakfast place that is across the street from Disneyland. It was the last day of the FBLA National Leadership Conference. | |
That is me walking off the stage with my accounting competition plaque during the Bay Section Leadership Conference at my high school. No I didn't study hard enough to get first place. | |
I'm recieving an plaque for being a finalist for the Advisory Board Award at the FBLA State Leadership Conference in Birlingame, CA in 1997. | |
What is toilet paper doing in these people's ears and noses? Well, we are just playing one of the many exciting games at this FBLA party. |