Future Business Leaders of America Pictures

Sora and I were making scrambled eggs for the Lions Club's Pancake Breakfast. As you can see, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right.
Here is a bunch of sharply dressed FBLA people posing for the camera before the awards session during the 1997 National FBLA Conference in Anaheim, CA.
A bunch of the Live Oak FBLAers along with a few other people join in for a picture with the awards we had just won at Nationals in 1997.
The Live Oak and Gilory High School FBLA Chapters posing for a shot outside a breakfast place that is across the street from Disneyland. It was the last day of the FBLA National Leadership Conference.
That is me walking off the stage with my accounting competition plaque during the Bay Section Leadership Conference at my high school. No I didn't study hard enough to get first place.
I'm recieving an plaque for being a finalist for the Advisory Board Award at the FBLA State Leadership Conference in Birlingame, CA in 1997.
What is toilet paper doing in these people's ears and noses? Well, we are just playing one of the many exciting games at this FBLA party.

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